Weight Loss Books for Women- By: Margot Oliver

Description : Eat to Live:
The Revolutionary Formula for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss by Joel Fuhrman
Although this book was published a few years ago it is still one of the best weight loss books for women that you can invest in.

This weight loss book was written by Dr. Fuhrman after doing several years of research and working with hundreds of people to help them lose weight. Although not many people may like what he has to say in the book, his weight loss plan has been clinically proven to work. A very short synopsis of the book is that he tells people to start eating nutrient-rich foods that fill you up and have only a few calories rather than following some fad diet. Not only will this help with weight loss but it has also been proven to help with such things as heart disease, diabetes, and even preventing cancer.

Eat to Live offers a healthy, effective, and scientifically proven Six-Week Plan for shedding a radical amount of weight quickly. The key to the program's success is simple: health = nutrients: calories.

In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto by Michael Pollan
This book is not the typical weight loss book that people think of when trying to come up with a weight loss plan. This book doesn't lay out a specific 6 or 8 week plan that you adhere to, but gives more of a look at why people are overweight and how we can change that. Michael Pollan looks at the popular "fad diets" and what kind of western diets people are following. So many diets nowadays have people consuming foods that are labeled "low fat" or "low-carb" but that doesn't mean that these foods are good for you; in fact most of the time it means the exact opposite. This weight loss book for women gives you a deeper understanding what a healthy diet looks like with real foods from nature. This is the type of weight loss book that really wakens people up to following a healthy lifestyle that can help them lose weight and keep it off for good.

The Diet Solution
There are 3 principles to weight loss
1/ Know the exact foods that cause accelerated fat burning in your body.
2/ Know the particular foods that are preventing fat burning.
3/ Put the right foods together to create the fat burning effect.
Check out "The Diet Solution "Program, with videos and so much more, great value for money.

Good Calories, Bad Calories Challenging the Conventional Wisdom on Diet Weight Control and Disease by Gary Taubes is a great book if calories are a foreign word to someone seeking a diet and weight loss path. Good calories are described with suggestions, as the same applies with bad calories. This book makes it easy to understand calories, something that can be curved to contribute to diet and weight loss. Three physicians offer their five-star rating on this book for offering safe ways to better the health within the path of diet and weight loss.
Good Calories, Bad Calories goes a long way toward breaking the link between obesity, gluttony and sloth by demonstrating that genes, hormones and chemistry play as much of a role in weight gain as behavior does.
Taubes's tales of lame science and flawed laboratory tests are at times brilliant and enlightening. But they can also become repetitive and wearying. In the end, the most compelling case Taubes builds is one against stark dietary advice of any kind; nothing simple can capture the complex reasons for the epidemic rise in obesity. This is one of the best weight loss books for Women.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Boosting Your Metabolism by Joseph Lee Klapper can also be found at All Book Stores. This 315 page educational experience can make the world of difference to those who have little or no idea as to what a metabolism is. A learning lesson well worth the purchase, as this energy seeking book goes for $16.95.
Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat by Peter Walsh is a fun 256 page diet and weight loss book. Walsh takes the yellow brick road, and offers a view into the wizard of you. Wisdom is key, as Walsh offers answers to why, how, and where someone eats. He glazes a reality check resulting in no more calorie counts along with other moments of logging weight loss information. Break free from the weight loss plan that only keeps you chained into a "program".

Diary of a Diet A Little Book of Big by Hannah Jones is another fun book, as Hannah explores personal experiences to help others reach their diet and weight loss goals. This 296 page, recently released paperback goes for $15.95. The motivational health guide that Hannah offers hope, a benefit in any world. A little book with big results..
Eat This, Not That by David Zinczenko with Matt Goulding Rodale (inc.) is quite a dietary seller this year, as it shares weight loss in a different light. EveryDay Health diet and weight loss books are found at incredible prices. Here you will find Eat This, Not That. This paperback book at Everyday Health goes for $9.97. With this weight loss book, one can find a fresh path of personal decision on consumption. Wiser than most books that reflect consumption guidance, and rated high on value. Eat This, Not That is as easy to understand as this book's title, another great diet and weight loss book.

The Food Doctor is in with the weight loss book Food Doctor Everyday Dietbyby r Marber second for Ian. The Food Doctor even shares links so that you can enjoy reading some of this book before purchasing. This diet and weight loss book is under $20 in most areas sold, and the same applies to The Food Doctor. This book is a keeperAs always, consult your doctor before you begin any type of weight loss program.

You can view the books and purchase them form the link below....Happy reading.

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

Author Resource : http://hubpages.com/hub/Weight-Loss-Books-for-Women